Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hello again,

I thought I had posted my first blog message last week but just discovered that I had left it in the drafts folder! I am publishing it now even though the weekend adventure I said I was taking with my grandson hasn't happened yet. We are going THIS weekend so I'll publish that adventure when we return.

I don't have a travel adventure to share but I must share some experiences of late that carry huge meanings and symbols. I am slowly realizing that as I am aware and paying more attention, throughout each day, I am discovering symbols all around.

One of these recent symbols is my street getting paved. I love this idea for a fresh start on new, smooth roads just as I begin this travel and adventure blog. There are a number of shrubs planted along the street in front with roots coming up to the surface and breaking through the old pavement. I was told these would need to be removed before the new paving went down to prevent buckling the new pavement. It was believed that one of my bushes planted close to the street and driveway were the cause of the buckling. I had been putting up with this bush obstructing views while pulling out of my driveway for years. Periodically I would cut the branches back but never really considered removing it altogether. And now, here comes the maintenance crew asking if they could cut it down for me!

The shrub is now gone. The views are clear....unobstructed as I pull out into life each day on my freshly paved roadway....a marvelous job of removal....cannot tell there was ever anything planted there. Beautiful symbol....obstructed views now simply gone.

With that picture in mind, I took extra quiet time this morning with my countdowns and quiet listening within expecting to hear some calming thoughts before beginning my day. A very specific, pointed and definite message of just three words came quite clearly to me, "alertness to duty". Just three words. I knew that Mrs. Eddy had used those words somewhere in her writings. I did a search and found that they're used just once. In the Manual: 42-4, Alertness to Duty SECT 6: says, "It shall be the duty of every member of this church to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God....." I knew then that this was an angel thought to handle right then any belief that anyone, anywhere could be influenced erroneously. That was a lie. I needed to hold to the truth that there is no reality nor Truth to any suggestion that God, good, is not right here, right now, present, holding in thought that He is in control, governing, everyone, everywhere, each and every moment. Another symbol....stand firmly with Truth.

My day later began with my computer starting this off-on, off-on, off-on series, and each time it was followed with a beep-beep! Sounded most serious....fatal even. I was baffled as to why or what was happening with the computer. I unplugged everything. Replugged all back into different outlets, and finally, the off-on sequence stopped. Turned everything back on other than computer....wanted it to sit and cool down. When I did finally turn it back on, it came up with a black screen (horrors!) with a message across the top saying, "failed boot, insert disc to proceed". What?! No! I walked away, hoping it would just go away, but when I went back later, that dark message was still there. I then was working from my laptop and discovered that I could not print....the printer was no longer communicating or responding. I then turned off the computer and called my "computer guy" who said he'd be over later.

I next went downstairs to deal with my washer/dryer stack unit. Last night when I showed to a friend who recently moved in how to use it, it worked fine, but when she tried putting in a load of clothes before work this morning, she discovered that it would not start. I called a repairman, who was out in my community and was able to stop by within a half an hour of my calling.....I loved that co-incidence and symbol. I learn that the main circuit board is bad....gone, dead, kaput.

The "Alertness to Duty" message was still playing loudly and clearly in thought. I saw that error, carnal mind, evil, aggressive mental suggestion.....whatever name you want to give it.....was working hard trying to convince me with these symbols that I was cut off from my Source, that my circuits were shut off, shut down, that I was separated from good. I once again sat quietly, listening within......knowing that I could not ever experience a disconnection from God, Truth, and stated that firmly out loud, then let it go, leaving to run errands, and leaving front door open so computer friend could get in while I was out.

This friend was there when I returned. He said that when he turned on the computer, it started up just fine. There was no black screen of death, no dark message. Where did it go? I don't know. He did go in to check the "Page File" (whatever that is!) and saw that setting had been changed to 700, he changed it to "use all that is needed". No idea how it ever was changed to that setting in the first place, but isn't that a wonderful setting? "Use all that is needed". (great symbol isn't it?) All we need is available isn't it? All that we need, whenever we need it. I love it. After hugging my computer friend, I told him that's our message for life each and every day, and he laughingly agreed! Oh, and the printer works just fine.

I am expecting good results from the washer/dryer circuit board too. And even if it does need replacing, I expect that will work out harmoniously as well. This washer/dryer unit was by my mothers for 18+ years. I won't be upset if it needs an update of modern circuitry to keep going for awhile longer. Not certain what that symbol is....maybe a reminder that keeping updated and in tune with our Source is a great way to begin each day!

I sit here smiling with joy and simply had to share.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Journey Begins

Join me as we travel together all the nooks and crannies of fun, out of the way places that we'll visit in person and/or in our minds. There is adventure all around. We all have the ability to find the joy of adventure wherever we look....we just need to remember to look!

For this first adventure we will be travelling with my grandson Jack to the Shenandoah Valley area as we explore the majesty of the giant stalagmites of the Grand Caverns. Jack is 12, a great age.....old enough to be an interesting and fun travelling companion, and young enough to still think it's "cool" to go somewhere with his "Mimi". We'll meet outside Knoxville to spend an end-of-summer-before-school-begins weekend together. I'll keep you posted with this travel adventure through the caverns as we move through it.

Happy travelling!
Happy adventure!