Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Journey Begins

Join me as we travel together all the nooks and crannies of fun, out of the way places that we'll visit in person and/or in our minds. There is adventure all around. We all have the ability to find the joy of adventure wherever we look....we just need to remember to look!

For this first adventure we will be travelling with my grandson Jack to the Shenandoah Valley area as we explore the majesty of the giant stalagmites of the Grand Caverns. Jack is 12, a great age.....old enough to be an interesting and fun travelling companion, and young enough to still think it's "cool" to go somewhere with his "Mimi". We'll meet outside Knoxville to spend an end-of-summer-before-school-begins weekend together. I'll keep you posted with this travel adventure through the caverns as we move through it.

Happy travelling!
Happy adventure!

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