Monday, November 16, 2009

Hey, I think I added a widget, or was that a gadget?

Actually it was my picture, but I need to get current with my new vocabulary and Facebook jargon. Oh boy! What have I gotten myself into with signing up with Facebook? It is quite time consuming. I am trusting that will settle down once I have my friends established, accepted, liked, and whatever else....oh yea....poked? Don't know how to or even if I've poked a friend(or whether I've been poked). No, I don't know what that means....much I don't know about Facebook.

I responded to a request for listing family members from one of my nieces (with whom I am now an official Facebook friend) who has asked me to list all of my family members on Facebook, so then she'll know who else she may be related to. I was directed to another whole area for family info. I did fill out some at that section but then decided that might be more than I'm ready to jump into right now.

It is fun seeing pictures of everyone....have seen pictures on my own children's facebook page that I have not even seen in person. Seems a bit odd don't you think? Here I am talking to my kids through texting messages on my cell phone and now writing to each other on a language that I didn't even know how to spell just a very short time ago. Oh well, This is one grandmother that's working at keeping up with the times. I remember that I did send out that message to the universe for help with better recognizing and connecting with love. And then Facebook shows up and opens up a whole new universe of old friends, new friends and family reconnections. How can I not be happy with this?

I continue to learn more about the intracacies of Blogger, and so what with now adding more entirely new language skills with Facebook, I will need to learn balance with this whole learning processes plus re-examining how I used to approach my day to day life. My sister says she's not ready for this mode of communications and time consumer, but I think she may change her mind once she hears about all the fun photos of her grandchildren that I am now seeing on her kids' Facebooks.

This is really moving up, up and away, isn't it? Fun, but not up there with the travelling part, especially to the beaches of St Maarten.

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