Monday, December 21, 2009

And now on to Andrea Bocelli!

I'm learning that I cannot treat the keyboard like a typewrite while composing my blog as the previous blog entry posted before I finished! A message for me to shorten my entries perhaps?
So on to Andrea Bocelli. If I figure out how, I intend to include a musical selection of his along with this posting.
Upon my return home after almost two weeks in Florida and Nassau, and just a week away from Christmas, I was faced with another choice. Do I run around and play catch-up and attend to the myriad Christmas festivities, decorations, baking, present buying and wrapping, cramming a month's worth of activities into a week? Or do I remain in the place of calm joy and appreciation of the peaceful love of Christ and Christmas?
I chose the later, but not without a few pangs of guilt that I'd spent that time and money on myself rather than giving to others. I had stacks of mail to sort through upon my return home. I opened a package early Sunday morning that was a present from another dear friend. A cd of Andrea Bocelli called "My Christmas". I took it with me to listen to as I drove to church. The first song was "White Christmas", always a favorite of mine but so unbelievably beautiful as sung by Andrea that my eyes filled with tears. Tears of joy. Of gratitude. Of appreciation of beauty and love. The entire album has that affect on me. And I understand completely why sharing of Andrea and beauty and love and joy and peace and comfort and calm are the perfect gifts of Christmas! Thank you dear friends for these gentle lessons of love and choices. I choose joy. I choose love. Enjoy this song of love and joy with speakers turned up as high as they'll go! Hmm. Might need to get more classes of instruction for bringing the song to you through blog. I'll keep you posted!
Go to Facebook page for some listening pleasure. Could not figure out how to post here on my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the gift of this beautiful music! Joy and Love, what more could we want!
