Monday, December 21, 2009

The Gift of Andrea Bocilli and message of love

Life changes. We can embrace these changes or we can resist them. It is a choice.

I recently returned from an impromptu trip to Florida visiting a lifelong friend. This friend and I don't talk frequently but when we do, we pick up our conservations as though we had just spoken yesterday. While on a recent phone visit catching up on life events, this dear friend asks why I don't come down so we can visit in person. As I hesitated thinking of all these reasons why I couldn't do such a thing, the next thought asked why not. Everything on my docket could be altered even if changing meant moving away from comfort zone briefly as I embraced the changes and moved forward. What limits us besides our thoughts of how things always were or how we thought they would always be? Isn't a belief something we thought was true but can change as we gain new insight and begin thinking thoughts?

When I learned that I could fly round-trip to Florida for less money than driving, I booked the flight that was leaving two days following. Everything unfolded harmoniously, including an impromptu 3-day cruise to Nassau as we discovered one last cabin available on The Majesty of Seas out of Miami (unfolding included another dear friend finding my passport at home and shipping overnight to me!)

What a glorious time we had together chatting in the sunshine, on many of the beautiful Gulf beaches,on her lanai overlooking Estero Bay and enjoying pelicans, dolphins, seagulls, herons, ibis, and all sorts of other water birds

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